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100roofs project

David&Goliath's non-profit campaign, 2018

Problem: In the wake of Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico was devastated and received little to no help from the US.  Thousands are still without a roof over their heads as of August, 2018. The 100Roofs project's goal was to send carpenters out and help rebuild roofs over people's heads as well as teach Puerto Ricans how to build.

Brief: Get Americans to actually give a damn enough to donate. 


Insight: People don't think about the devastation because it's so far away, so we'll use art and tech to bring the reality of living under a blue tarp for months to them.

Fun Fact: This started as a real project at David & Goliath. We helped plan a fundraiser and develop their social. This is what I've come up with as a way to reach people after a little time mulling it over.




We're all used to using green as our background to project endless amounts of imagery. Let's use blue to send a very specific message. 

These SC and IG filters detect blue and turn it into the tarps Puerto Ricans are using as make shift roofs.


There will be a link to "Get Rid of Blue Tarps" at the bottom that takes people to the donation site so they can get Puerto Ricans out from under tarps and build real homes above their heads. 




Artists will kick off the project on their own platforms. They'll flood the internet with images of blue tarps (the common temporary roof Puerto Ricans have been using post-hurricane) and encourage their fans to download Find100 for $1 and go find the piece. 

We want to get #Find100 #100RoofsProject and #TodayI'mBrave trending, but aim to get larger conversations that sound more like #HelpforPR #PRStrong and #AmericaDoSomething

Good publicity for artists, support for Puerto Rico, and a wake-up call for everyone else.

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