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get your skin together

In the spring of 2019, I learned something awful, yet unsurprising: men don't wash their faces.

Only 1 in 5 have a skincare regimen. Half don't even wash. Say they're one of the good ones. Stats show that in hetero relationships, the woman buys her partner's hygiene supplies, including skincare.


So how do we get men to care for themselves?

Women have such low standards for what's sexy. This campaign targeted both men and women and showed how sexy doing the bare minimum of washing your face can be.

CW: Me   AD: Abigail Hogue



A woman is sneaking out the bathroom window after a sub-par one night stand. Before leaving, she notices Kiehl's on his counter. She turns it over in

her hands, imagining what else this man takes care of, besides his skin.

"He probably cooks. He's definitely got an up-to-date calendar. Color

coded, too. I bet volunteers at animal shelters, maybe even bottle

feeds puppies? I bet he's already saving for retirement. The

center console of his car is probably spotless. He's the type of guy

who's happy to buy tampons, no questions asked. And ice cream!"


Then, she notices he has both face wash AND moisturizer.

She sets it down, smiling, as she crawls back into bed with


Washing your face shows you've got your skin together.

Kiehl's. Facial Fuel for Men.



A woman basking by the pool looks across to see a guy wave. She 

half-heartedly waves back until he pulls out Kiehl's sunscreen. She begins to fantasize about what else this man takes care of besides his skin.


"He probably tutors his niece in his spare time. He for sure

dresses well. He's the type to read Sylvia Plath. For fun.

I bet he can hold a conversation about feminism without

getting defensive. He definitely negotiates for a 401k

match. Maybe he even irons his shirts." 


Then, he pulls out a separate sunscreen for his face. Her

half-hearted wave grows deliberate as she shouts "hey!"

from across the pool.

Applying sunscreen shows you've got your skin together.

Kiehl's . Facial Fuel for Men.

Fighting to raise the bar past bar soap

Women have such low standards for their male counterparts. During research, we found a list of non-sexual turn-ons for women. Making eye contact and having books on their night stands were in the top ten. There's a special place on Twitter where this sort of mediocrity in relationships is celebrated called #BareMinimumTwitter. 

We infiltrate the subgroup and fight to raise the bare minimum to a guy who's a decent person and got their skin together. 



A hollowed out book placed in the self-help section of bookstores and filmed for content.


Surprise & Delight

We’ll surprise and delight fan-favorites on The Bachelorette with kits to help them get their skin together. 

Complete with samples, swag, and personalized notes, these loveable but hopeless bachelors can boost their brownie points before the next rose ceremony.

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