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it's all about the box

People don't give a ship who's delivering their package. UPS has been around longer than anyone, and knows that emotion doesn't sell shipping. But with competitors providing nearly identical services, UPS needs a fresh tone to stand out. 

We cut the fluff and used their iconic but simple packaging to talk about the only thing that's mattered from the beginning --getting your box.

CW: Me   AD: Rebecca Chen

Final Box Print 1.png
Final Box Print 2.png
UPS print 3.png

Truck Redesign

Now you can see what's really important. 

Tunnel Vision

There's a certain rush to meet the box waiting for you at home. Or to beat it there. In this OOH, we create a sculpture in subway tunnels that visually demonstrates the obsession of getting home to your package.

Tunnell vision front.png
tunnell vision.png

A New Profile

If you're looking for a sassy brand that's ready to roast everyone who engages with them on Twitter, leave. UPS ain't here to play games. They're here to talk about what matters.

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